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Lesson HSDD-30-13 HyperLynx hands on lab building a channel
with Eric Bogatin,
Signal Integrity Evengelist
Teledyne LeCroy Front Range Signal Integrity Lab
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HSDD-30-13 HyperLynx hands on lab building a channel


  • Step 1: build a differential pair channel and predict the SE and diff S-parameters
  • Step 2: export the SE and diff S-parameters and compare to your predictions
  • Step 3: select generic SERDES models and characterize the output impedance and rise time
  • Step 4: estiamte how high a data rate you can run the TRX and the TXR through the channel you built
  • Step 5: simulate eye diagrams and see how high a data rate you can get before the eye openning is < 60% the UI.
  • Step 6: write up your report articulating what you did, what you expected and your analysis.